Credit cards are an amazing way to earn points, miles, and more when you are traveling or planning to travel but don't rely on their travel insurance! Here's why...

Your credit card may boast travel protection and benefits, but you don't want to solely rely on it if the unexpected happens on your next trip! With Travel Insurance Master, you'll find


A travel insurance plan from one of our trusted providers offers broader coverage so you’ll be able to travel with peace of mind with benefits like trip cancellation, emergency medical coverage, hurricane and weather, employment layoff, and much more.

Purchasing a plan on gives you the coverage you’re looking for with customizable filters and clear comparisons, so you can easily find exactly the right plan with the right benefits for your specific trip, instead of a more generic option.


Credit cards rarely offer trip cancellation, while these comprehensive plans are what most travelers purchase. They give you extra protection and flexibility, while protecting your initial investment. You can filter between Trip Cancellation and No Trip Cancellation plan types on the upper left of the search results page after you submit your quote request. 

Emergency medical is also a popular benefit that your credit card travel insurance will likely not cover. Emergency medical coverage fills the gap where your regular health insurance won’t offer coverage either, especially important outside your home country. It's common to find that your US health insurance plan won’t be accepted in other countries and comprehensive travel insurance can save you from a costly bill. Medical repatriation and pre-existing conditions are also not covered by most credit cards.


We all know how frustrating it can be to sit on eternal hold with a bank's 1-800 number. With Travel Insurance Master, you can find comfort in knowing you have two layers of custom support - one with your plan provider and one with us! 


Our leading providers offer wide ranging benefits that make your travel insurance decision an easy one. From financial default, to hurricane and weather, you can easily protect your trip and find the plan that suits your needs at

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