Get to know our Travel Insurance Master Affiliate, Amanda! As the founder and CEO of Travelnitch, she inspires kids through virtual and real-world travel, and encourages families to learn and grow together through global exploration. Learn more about this charity and how one small kindness today can transform the world tomorrow!


Amanda, when did you start Travelnitch?

Travelnitch began as a for-profit publishing company in 2018 but transitioned to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2020. Our mission is to shape future explorers who will transform the world through cultural understanding and acceptance.

Walk me through how or why you started?

As with many great ideas, Travelnitch was quite accidental, though I do believe fate played a role. Wanting to share my own passion for the world with my children, it began as a pet project but quickly evolved into something much larger. As it turns out, I’m not the only mom who appreciates the value of travel. Last year our website welcomed 28,000+ visitors from 141 countries. We raised over $6,000 in our first full year as a nonprofit and this year we are on track to triple that.

Do you feature a specific type of travel or area?

Travelnitch is a small but mighty organization. We inspire kids through travel because we believe it has the power to transform our world. Our programs spark curiosity, encourage growth through virtual exploration, and bridge the cultural divide through real-world experience.

From digital storytelling to travel writing workshops and family travel grants, we encourage families to travel, learn, and grow together. Our World on Wheels even brings the wonder of travel into underserved communities where financial hardship makes real-world travel Impossible.

What is your favorite part about being a blogger?

I get to write about what I love most and hopefully it inspires other families to take off in search of adventure.

What is your favorite or dream destination?

I’ve always wanted to visit Cambodia. It’s been on my travel vision board for years and one day I’ll make it there, hopefully with my kids right alongside me!

What is your favorite travel tip?

Don’t force fun. As a parent, I always feel a certain pressure to shape these perfect memories for my children. But travel is never perfect and sometimes the imperfect memories are even better. Learn to go with the flow and fun things will happen organically, I promise.

What other suggestions do you have for travelers? 

Travel responsibly and always with respect for the people and places you are visiting. If you have children, teach them to do the same. It makes a world of difference.

What suggestions do you have for bloggers or what has been the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome with your blog?

Travelnitch started out as a blog, but for me that was never enough. I always wanted to do more, to be more. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to find yourself stuck in a web of defeat—always feeling like you’re “less than” because a million other bloggers are doing it bigger or better.

Eventually I had to stop viewing other bloggers as competition and start finding inspiration in their words and actions. Now I look to them for guidance, learning from their success. It has made me a better writer and with that, Travelnitch grows stronger.

How can our readers follow your travels?

Subscribe at to catch the Travel Bug or follow us on Facebook @travelnitch.

Anything else you would like to share?

One small kindness today can transform the world tomorrow. Be kind and donate at

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Thanks to the team at Travel Insurance Master for allowing me to share what we do with your readers. I'm so grateful for our partnership and hope to continue working together for many years to come!
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