When you travel, it’s sometimes hard to think about accidents or emergencies happening. However, in the event of the unexpected, you don’t want to find yourself in an unfortunate situation without the right coverage! Let Travel Insurance Master break down exactly why Emergency Medical Coverage is so important and how to find the best plan and benefits for your next trip.

Emergency Medical Coverage fills the gap in your normal health insurance which usually doesn’t provide coverage when traveling outside your home country, and sometimes even outside your home state. Your health insurance plan likely provides little or no coverage internationally and if something happened, you may be stuck paying a hefty bill entirely out of pocket. Even worse, some international treatments may require payment up front since their systems are not set up to accommodate anything other than billing their own government.

Travel Insurance Master Tip: Contact or visit your health insurance plan’s website, whether it’s a private insurer or Medicare, locate their directory, and search for an international provider. You’ll be surprised to see you may not even be able to find a network provider in any foreign country, meanwhile your specific destination. This is exactly why travel insurance with Emergency Medical coverage is so important!

The good news is you can easily find the best travel insurance plan and value for your needs at TravelInsuranceMaster.com, including those with benefits that cover emergency medical expenses. Emergency Medical Coverage protects you when you travel for the trip dates listed in your policy. This is also why it’s important to ensure the travel dates in your quote request are accurate!

You’ll find that Emergency Medical Coverage can be primary or secondary coverage. The plan certificate will clearly outline the limits for covered expenses. Remember there are still exclusions to travel medical insurance and it’s always important to understand exactly what is and is not covered, as well as what is required in the event of a claim.

Remember for the most benefits and plan options, request a quote and purchase travel insurance within 1-21 days of your initial trip deposit. This will help you find plans with the pre-existing medical conditions waiver. If you or someone you are purchasing travel insurance for has a pre-existing health condition, seriously consider the likelihood of it flaring up or reoccurring before or during your trip. Could it cancel or interrupt your travels? Without the pre-existing medical conditions waiver, normally a medical condition present prior to your travel insurance policy’s effective date would not be covered.

Most plans have a look back period, meaning they will look back at your medical history, anywhere from 2 to 18 months, to check if your condition appeared or was treated during that time. TravelInsuranceMaster.com allows you to easily request a quote, shop Comprehensive plans, and filter by the benefits most important to you, like the pre-existing medical conditions waiver.

Travel Insurance Master Tip: If you didn’t buy your travel insurance policy early enough to take advantage of the pre-existing medical conditions waiver, look for a plan with a look-back period shorter than the last time you registered your medical condition with your doctor.

Ready to plan your next adventure?  Once you put down your initial trip deposit, you can easily request a quote to find the best plan to protect your travel investment and yourself while traveling, all at TravelInsuranceMaster.com!

Great advice! I never would have thought to add this type of coverage before a trip. Thank you for sharing!
I used travel insurance when I would take long trips (2-3 months). How much do you think something like that would cost nowadays? I used to pay about $100 I think, but this was many years ago.
Sounds like a great insurance plan for peace of mind as your travel.
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